Paperbacks and Contests
Good news, everyone! Orconomics: A Satire is now available in paperback. You can pick it up on Amazon, or come see me at North East Comic Con this weekend to buy a signed copy. Or, if you're feeling lucky, you can try to win a free copy. That's right: for everyone who still likes reading off of good old fashioned paper, Orconomics is now within your grasp. Speaking of grasping, it's a strange and wonderful feeling to hold the first book you've ever published in your hands. I have to to extend my thanks and gratitude to John Corsi again, who designed and helped put the book together. It's an even more wonderful feeling to get shining reviews, and Orconomics has racked up a few over the past couple of weeks. Here's a couple of choice excerpts:
Orconomics is an incredible treat. It’s flavorful, it’s funny, it’s serious, it’s sad, it’s uplifting … all of this transpires between the same two covers. It is GLORIOUS. — J.B. Garner, Musings of a Starving Author
There were many times that I laughed out loud while reading it, and more than one moment that made me really sit and think. Anyone who enjoys fantasy, MMOs or role playing should carve out the time to read Orconomics. — John Swesonson, Book ReviewsFinally, this December you can win a free copy of Orconomics. For your chance to win, just head on over to Goodreads and enter the giveaway.