Dragonfired is Coming, and a KU Update
I think we can all agree that in today’s lightning-fast, interconnected world, one site stands apart for its commitment to semi-annual updates about the lack of news related to book launches. Yes, for years you’ve depended on jzacharypike.com for unscientific progress bars glacially shifting towards completion. So it may shock you to learn that I have not one, but two, important announcements to make today, and neither of them can be expressed as a percentage.
First of all, I’m thrilled to say that Dragonfired is back from the editor and steamrolling towards publication this fall. I’ll have lots more to say about the launch, the book, and the new Kickstarter for hardcover editions of the entire Dark Profit Saga soon. For now, expect the ebook early this fall (and 2 weeks earlier for Kickstarter backers), with audio and print formats to follow shortly thereafter. You can stay up to date by following the Kickstarter’s preview page to get notified about the launch in mid-July.
Kindle Unlimited Changes
I also wanted to announce that my books will no longer be available as part of Kindle Unlimited after July 5, 2023, when their current in KDP Select enrollment ends (KDP Select is the program in Kindle Direct Publishing that makes indie books available in Kindle Unlimited, aka KU). I am not sure if readers who are partially through the books will still be able to read them via KU. I apologize for any consternation this change causes.
The main reason for the change is straightforward: the agreement for a book to be enrolled in KDP Select stipulates that I cannot sell it in ebook formats anywhere else. I plan to offer ebooks of Orconomics and The Dark Profit Saga to buyers on Kickstarter, and later resume direct sales on my platform as well as Kobo, Google, etc. While KDP Select has been great for my business at times, it’s declining as a share of my income at this point and hampering my ability to branch out with this series. I may enroll other books in KDP Select in the future. However, I do not currently plan to re-enroll the Dark Profit Saga in the program.
The hardest part of this decision is that I know many people are facing financial strain right now and KU gives them an affordable way to enjoy fantasy books. That said, enrollment in KDP Select also prevents me from offering ebooks to libraries, which fulfill the same purpose without a monthly fee. Later this year I plan to make the books available via library ebook programs once more. I think people of any income level should be able to enjoy and benefit from reading, and I believe public libraries are the best way to make that happen.
Thanks again for all of your support! I’m thrilled that The Dark Profit Saga will reach its epic conclusion in 2023. It’s going to be an amazing year for Orconomists.
In case anyone is like me and missed the post announcing it, Dragonfired is gonna be released on March 19th, so also like me, you don’t have to make a post asking a question that already has an answer
Is the audiobook still in planning?
Will the Paperback be available on amazon or somewhere elese soon like the first two books? So I can complete the collection im my bookshelf
Glebeck, Looking forward to Dragonfired
Do you have a date on the audio book for Dragon Fired?