Arth’s Pantheon: The Gods of Hearth
This is part of a series on Arth’s Pantheon. Twice a month we’re taking a look at life on Arth and the gods that shape it. If you’re new to the series, get started with an overview. This post looks at the gods of hearth and home.
Arth’s gods of hearth and home rule over the realms that govern family and daily life. They hold sway over the histories, traditions, generations, and all that makes a house a home. Of all the gods, they are most likely to have shrines in the homes of the devoted. After all, if you’re going to make the investment in a house or apartment, what’s a small premium for the protection plan?
Thordin is the Ancestor God, the deity associated with generational wisdom, tradition, and cultural preservation. Dwarves see him as a keeper of wisdom and knowledge. It’s said that Thordin calls the spirits of great leaders and shrewd tacticians to his heaven, the Hall of Ancestors, so that they can guide their decedents with wisdom. He and his charges are invoked in almost any Dwarven ceremony. Other races see him as more of a way to speak to ancestors, and he’s often associated with the honored dead.
Temples to Thordin are common throughout Arth, often near cemeteries or crypts. Dwarven burial halls are often dedicated to him, with a great temple to Thordin at their gates. His clerics provide welcome services, both in helping the living commune with the departed, and in standing watch against the undead. His hatred of the unliving makes him a frequent ally of Mordo Ogg and Musana, but puts him at odds with Nodros and Sitha. His temples also have terse relations with the Agekeepers, whom Thordin feels owe him more patronage and devotion.
The seventh month of Arth’s calendar, commonly called Fireleaf, is named for Thordin.
- Titles: Grandfather, Holdkeeper
- Race: Dwarf
- Status: Dominant
- Favored Weapon: Hand axe
- Holy Symbol: Raven, often a blue raven
- Colors: Blue and gold
Gathra (formerly Jaithenele)
When Gathra was Jaithenele, she was the goddess of familial loyalty and duty, and she originally set out the great Houses of the Elves. Her fierce loyalty and demands of the same led her to feel betrayed by the rifts growing among the gods before the Great War, and she sided with Mannon believing that he could unite them. She was wrong, and she hates Mannon for his betrayal. Yet loyalty to other Shadowkin still binds Gartha. When Mannon sent out the call for Nephan’s War, the Orcs loyal to Gathra came to stand with their kin. Her choice doomed them, and today only one out of every ten living Orcs has any ancestry linked to Gathra’s clans.
Gathra’s followers are few and hunted, for Azil’gar and Razar hunger to unite the Orcs under their own control. She is said to keep watch over the other clans, but from hiding. Tandos hates her as well, and many god resent her standing with Mannon after she knew what he was. If any gods are willing to help her, they will not speak of it.
- Titles: The Burning Sigil, the Clankeeper (formerly the Lady of the House)
- Race: Orc (formerly Elf)
- Favored Weapon: Bow
- Holy Symbol: A burning sigil, a banner, formerly an Elven House
- Colors: Yellow and Purple
Erro is the god of home and hearth, the spirit who sweeps the floors and makes the bed. Gnomish legends say it was Erro who tamed Dog, Horse, and Cow, and convinced Cat that the home was a decent enough place to stay. His work with animals was a boon to Man, but enraged Fengelde, the Wild Lady. He is married to Fula, and is the Patron of Clan Erdin, the Dwerrow.
Erro is associated with menial tasks and hosting, and is a favorite of innkeepers and farmers. A temple of Erro often doubles as some combination of a tavern, a ranch, and/or a bed and breakfasts. However, he’s also associated with fealty and defense of a homeland, and clerics of Erro are some of the most feared fighters on Arth. He and Fengelde have an uneasy relationship, and he is a sworn enemy to Razar and Kud’gar.
- Titles: Hearthfather, the Home Spirit
- Race: Gnome
- Favored Weapon: Shillelagh
- Holy Symbol: Stone Rings, Cat, Mint Leaves
- Colors: Orange and Silver
More is known about Chraenus than any of the other Stennish gods, aside from Al’Thadan. The God of History was strongly associated with genealogy and family records, in additional to national and global events. His temples were great repositories of histories, lineages, and heirlooms. The remnants of his Human, Elven, and Gnomish followers remained dedicated to these scholarly pursuits even after his banishment, and became the Agekeepers at the end of the Third Age. His history is their own.
- Race: Sten
- Status: Banished
That’s it for this section of Arth’s Pantheon. You can get a good overview of the gods of Arth here. There’s more Arth Lore available on the blog as well. And in case you haven’t journeyed to Arth yourself yet, check out my books for some fantasy adventure that’s so funny, it’s epic.